Ardmore and The Keepers of Eire event

I enjoyed my last night in Dublin at The Celt (the same place I was initiated with a bloke’s pint three years ago). Sorry, no such shenanigans this time, but there was another Grayson sighting.

Together we enjoyed a wee pint and some craic (fun).
I left Dublin behind and headed to Ardmore and my book event at The Cliff House Hotel. I set up in their library. While I didn’t read from The Keepers of Eire, I did have a chance to chat with people about the book and my Celtic heritage. Several people bought the book, including one lovely couple from County Cork mere minutes after he proposed in front of St. Declan’s Well.



Here is St. Declan’s Well. Can you find Grayson?

I also presented a signed copy of the book to Linda for the Cliff House Hotel for all their hospitality.

And finally, here are a couple of photos from sunset (around 9:45 p.m.) and moon rise (around 11:15 p.m.) from my room window at Duncrone B & B.



About jordan

Jordan’s enduring love of fantasy, especially dragons, inspired her to begin writing her debut novel, The Keepers of Eire. Her obsession with all things dragon began at an early age with a dragon music box – a gift from her mother. Her collection now encompasses hand drawn pictures, mugs, clothing, beach towels, books, jewelry, plush fabric as well as metal, porcelain, pewter, and glass figurines. A cumulative trauma injury ended a long-standing career in the electronics industry. Thus the impetus to begin a new dream; writing about the creatures that continue to capture her imagination. She lives in California with her Pomeranian, Roarke.
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