2014 Global Ebook Winner – Gold for The Keepers of Éire


Breaking News!

I am thrilled to announce The Keepers of Éire has won the 2014 Global Ebook GOLD Award for Fantasy/Contemporary. It is an honor to have won this year, and a validation of all the work that went into writing and publishing my first novel in “The Keeper” series.

Authors know their greatest challenge is getting their work known, read, loved, and recommended to others. One predicament authors have is finding readers. And, of course, the best publicity is “word-of-mouth”. So tell your friends and neighbors to take a chance and check out a new author’s work. There are some really great writers in the world today.

About jordan

Jordan’s enduring love of fantasy, especially dragons, inspired her to begin writing her debut novel, The Keepers of Eire. Her obsession with all things dragon began at an early age with a dragon music box – a gift from her mother. Her collection now encompasses hand drawn pictures, mugs, clothing, beach towels, books, jewelry, plush fabric as well as metal, porcelain, pewter, and glass figurines. A cumulative trauma injury ended a long-standing career in the electronics industry. Thus the impetus to begin a new dream; writing about the creatures that continue to capture her imagination. She lives in California with her Pomeranian, Roarke.
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