Titanic Experience, saying goodbye to Northern Ireland, and Bru na Boinne

Wow, what can I say about the Titanic Experience! Very moving. Of course, I like my friend and fellow critique mate, Marlene Dotterer’s version of the story in her SF/F Shipbuilder: The Time Travel Journals better as Thomas Andrews, the principle architect manages to implement more safety features, and he lives!



Had beautiful, sunny skies leaving Northern Ireland.


Then i was on my way to Bru na Bionne (also known as Newgrange and Knowth)- in The Keepers of Eire , my killer places the bodies of his victims at the Entrance Stone




I lodged in Trim, near Trim Castle. Here is an artist’s rendering of the castle.


About jordan

Jordan’s enduring love of fantasy, especially dragons, inspired her to begin writing her debut novel, The Keepers of Eire. Her obsession with all things dragon began at an early age with a dragon music box – a gift from her mother. Her collection now encompasses hand drawn pictures, mugs, clothing, beach towels, books, jewelry, plush fabric as well as metal, porcelain, pewter, and glass figurines. A cumulative trauma injury ended a long-standing career in the electronics industry. Thus the impetus to begin a new dream; writing about the creatures that continue to capture her imagination. She lives in California with her Pomeranian, Roarke.
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